
Siddha Kaula Sannyasa System

The “Siddha Kaula Sannyasa” is a unique sannyasa system different from the traditional concept of sannyasa of Hinduism, Bhikshu of Jain and Buddhist doctrine. This doctrine is solely based on the concept of sannyasa as propounded by His Holiness Kaulantak Peethadhishwara Mahasiddha Ishaputra and the traditional guru-disciple tradition of the Siddhas. This system is not… read more »


Narsimha as per “Siddha Dharma” is considered to be the wrathful avatara among the ten avataras of lord Vishnu. He descended from Vaikuntha loka to the earth for manifold purposes. He primarily took the Narsimha avatara for slaying the daity Hiranyakashyapu and in doing so, he would protect his devotee Prahlada and also for re-establishment of… read more »
