Mrikula Peethadheeshwari Ma Mrigakshi (Bhairavi Mrigakshi)

Bhairavi Mrigakshi is believed to be the topmost Bhairavi in today’s day and world. She is the current Peethadheeshwari of Mrikula, one of the most secretive tantra tradition. She is the disciple of Mahasiddha Rasa Nath. He had trained her from an early age and he bestowed her all those secretive sadhana under Mrikula ultimately making her Mrikula Peethdhishwari.

Mrikula Tantra

As per “Kaula Siddha Dharma”, Mrikula is purely Shakt tradition and is widely recognized as the tantra which can only be practiced in nature. The props used in the tantra are all taken from nature. For instance, we use panchpatra for water and achamani to drink water for purification while Mrikula they go nearby to a pond and break a twig from a nearby bush and use it for achamani or flowers for achamani. The natural water sources like a pond, running water becomes panchpatra for them.
The difference between Kaula kula and Mrikula is that Kaula kula is Shaiv tradition while Mrikula is Shakt tradition in its core.


Bhairavi Mrigakshi and her meaning

As per “Kaula Siddha Dharma”, Mrikula is derived from the word Mri which means deer and Kula means tantric tradition. It is very safe to say that Mrikula has its root on the animal deer. Deer is an animal that represents feminity. Deer don’t have the virtue to be still like an ox. It always keep moving, its eyes never rest. The eyes are the symbol of playfulness.
In tantra, Shiva is described to be passive and is situated is stillness while Shakti is playful. She is always on the move. Bhairavi Mrigaksi’s name would imply that her eyes radiate playfulness, aesthetics, and bliss.
In reality, Her Holiness eyes also resembled the eyes of a deer. Furthermore, through the practise of Mrikula, she became known as Mrigakshi meaning, the eyes of Mrikula.
Her name, therefore, suggests that she is the gateway to the soul of Mrikula because eyes are the window of the soul.

Bhairavi Mrigakshi and Mahasiddha Ishaputra

As per “Kaula Siddha Dharma”, Bhairavi Mrigakshi and Mahasiddha Ishaputra are inseparable names. Both were born in the same month, August. His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra was born in 23rd August while Bhairavi Mrigakshi was born on 19th August.
After Bhairavi Mrigakshi learned Mrikula from her Guru, she was sent by her Guru to Mahasiddha Ishaputra for sadhana. Mahasiddha Ishaputra then initiated her into many secretive sadhanas and alternatively, she also initiated him into much secretive sadhana of Mrikula. It was Bhairavi Mrigakshi who taught Mrikula to Mahasiddha Ishaputra.

Sadhana days of Mahasiddha Ishaputra and Bhairavi Mrigakshi

As per the revelation of Mahasiddha Ishaputra, when Bhairavi Mrigakshi became the disciple of Mahasiddha Ishaputra, she also helped Magasiddha Ishaputra in various sadhanas.  Mahasiddha Ishaputra used to practice various Guhya Sadhanas in the Kotla area. She used to join him very secretly without informing people. They practiced their sadhana in the old Kotla kurukulla temples too secretively. The guru of Mahasiddha Ishaputra would also be present he would also initiate both into various wisdom.

Post Sadhana Days of Mahasiddha Ishaputra and Bhairavi Mrigakshi

As per the revelation of His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra, when he was anointed as Kaulantak Peethadhishwara by the Gurumandala, their relationship took new turns. They were both so much into each other that the Gurumandala tried their level best to keep them apart and have as minimum contact as possible so that they shall walk in the path of Dharma.
Finally, after much unsuccessful attempt from Gurumandala, they decided to separate His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra and Bhauravi Mrigakshi so that they concentrate on the works of Gurumandal. It was a very painful experience for His Holiness and Bhairavi Mrigakshi but both parted their ways and both undertook their own journey.

August 19 and Bhairavi Mrigakshi birthday celebration

As per the revelation of His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra, once when they were in the jungle in a dark night, His Holiness wished her happy birthday and he asked her what would she prefer to do in her birthday. Since they had numerous plans in their hand but not any of it would come to fruition because of the absence of light. Therefore, they decided to build a fire torch because the only thing that they possessed was an axe. They used their axe and through plants, they created a torch. Under the torch, they also practiced a sadhana.
From that day onwards, August 19 was always celebrated with great zeal. A similar fire torch is also made in the peeth and birthday is celebrated
Right after the conclusion of the birthday of Bhairavi Mrigakshi, Mahasida Ishaputra’s birthday follows.

Contribution of Bhairavi Mrigakshi in Kaulantak Peeth

As per the revelation of Mahsiddha Ishaputra,  her contribution to Kaulantak Peeth is unparalleled because the nearly extinct Mrikula’s wisdom entered Kaulantak Peeth through her. She taught Mahasiddha Ishaputra Mrikula and various secretive tantric wisdom.
It is also believed that she played a very instrumental role when it came to His Holiness becoming Kaulantak Peethadhishwara. His Holiness was not much unto tantra at initial sadhana days. She ignited the flame of tantra in him at first and cultivated it by herself being involved which led to the full development of Mahasiddha Ishaputra.

Bhairavi Mrigakshi and her meaning

As per the revelation of His Holiness Mahasiddha Ishaputra, the birthday of Bhairavi Mrigakshi is celebrated aa ” Sanyasa Parva”. His Holiness has never claimed that he initiated her to Sanyasa on her birthday, nevertheless her birthday is celebrated as Sanyasa Parva by Kaulantak Peeth.

Deeksha conducted via Mrikula method

For nearly a decade, His Holiness had Regularly conducted Deeksha shivir to impart Mrikula to local people. One such Deeksha was Mrikula Hadimba Mata Ji. The Hadimba Deeksha was performed through Mrikula. His Holiness also explained many facets of Mrikula in that camp.
Mahashaktabhishek Deeksha was also imparted through Mrikula. He first collected dried grasses and from a vessel initiated us. It is believed that the Peeth shall conduct more Mrikula Deeksha in the future.

Kaulantak Nath Stuti By Ma Bhairavi Mrigakshi Nath Ji


||atha zrI mahAbhairavI mahAmrigAkzI krita zrI kaulantaka nAtha stuti ||

nityaM siddhezvaraM, mahArahasyakAraNaM, yogIjana vanditaM |
pracanDcanDarupiNaM, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

tvaM vIrATAtivirATaM, tvaM kautukAnanda svarupaM |
rAgalayAdikAraNaM, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

IzaputrotvaM, paripUrNarupaM, sakala avatArAdi vanditaM |
zikharapuruSonamastubhyaM, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

aghorezvaraM, brahmANDarupaM, pApAdi bandha mocanaM |
sarvakalAdhAriNe, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

mahAhimAlayezvaraM, Ananda rAsAdikAraNaM |
bhaktAnanda pradAyakaM, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

sarvadA sarvakulanAyakaM, sarvasiddhipradAyakaM |
akzarpuruS, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

apsarAdivanditaM, bhairavIkulanAyakaM |
mamapremakAraNaM, zivAnzarupaM praNamyaM sadaivaM ||

|| iti zrI mahAbhairavI mahAmrigAkzI krita zrI kaulantaka nAtha mahAstuti sampurNaM ||
