Bhagawati Brahmandodari Sadhana

As per “Siddha Dharma”, Bhagawati Brahmandodari is an infinite goddess under whom all the creation is encompassed and everything resides in her. For her, the universe in her womb. The universe is a womb in a sense that multiple creations happen inside and multiple destructions happen simultaneously under her watch. She is the cause of all creation because everything physical is created by the universe and the universe in her womb. If the universe is said to be infinite, then the goddess is enormously infinite because the universe is nothing but the womb of the goddess so the womb is just one-tenth of the body of the goddess. Her vahana is considered to be comets (Puchle Tara).


As per “Siddha Dharma”, Brahmandodari is composed of two words, Brahmanda (universe) + udara (abdomen or womb). The synthesis of the two words gives the meaning that Brahmandodari is the goddess whose womb is the infinite universe. From the Devi, all the creation takes place and in her all dissolution takes place. In a sense, she witnesses all the phenomena of the universe as an observer.


As per “Kaula Siddha” dharma, Brahmandodari is the goddess who is yellowish in complexion like the color of the comets. Her complexion also resembles the color of fire. She is portrayed with four hands and two of them hold kharpara (skull cup), one of which is jyoti patra (light-emitting skullcup) and andhakara patra (dark skull cup). Her other two hands hold a Lotus flower and Narmunda respectively. The Lotus flower represents secretive wisdom, tantra, and vigyana while the Narmunda represents diverse wisdom forms and knowledge systems.

Furthermore, she is also portrayed with adornments of jewels in her body. She wears a golden necklace but her cummerbund is made up of kharpara. She also wears a golden crown or hairband which has five skulls attached to it. Her anklets, bracelets all are made up of gold and other jewels.

The origin story of Brahmandodari Devi

As per “Siddha Dharma”, once upon a time in Brahmandiya Kailasha, Shiva as Swachhand Bhairava and Ma Parvati as Goddess Kurukulla were deeply engrossed in their intimate conversation of agama-nigama. Ma Kurukulla amidst the agama-nigama conversation enquires with Swachhand Bhairava as to who holds this universe and who operates the universe. Swachhand Shiva replies that it is he who is the essence of the universe and despite being the essence, he performs all his past-times through Yogamaya Shakti. Ma Kurukulla in astonishment replies that she is Yogmaya. When she is Yogmaya then why isn’t she aware of her self and her forms.

Lord Shiva then replies that Devi Kurukulla feels such a way because she has been illusioned by her own Maya. But in her original Yogmaya form, she is also known as Brahmandodari Devi or the goddess who holds the universe inside her womb. He continues and mentions her she is no different from the universe as the universe is encompassed in her and she is encompassed in the universe. Ma Kurukulla then realizes and she closes her eyes, she inhales and she utters, “Aham Brahmandodari”.

With the dharana of “Aham Brahmandodari” and its perfection, Ma Kurukulla manages to view her ananta virata swaroopa. The infinite universe then slowly becomes established in her womb. After the establishment, she then transforms into her “Brahmandodari” form.

After she transforms into her “Brahmandodari” form, she then observes the whole creation happening inside her womb that she had created from,





With the help of these four Vidhya, she creates the universe and sustains it. A person who masters these four Vidhya’s managed to unlock the secrets of the universe. The person being infinitesimal can receive all the universal shaktis.  Devi then realizes that the essence of all forms of strength, energies are Shiva and Shakti.

Lord Shiva then witnessing the virat swaroopa asks, “O Devi! Please reveal to me now who you are?” to which she replies that she is “sarvakala” or “all art forms”. Shiva smilingly asks again, “What about the Jiwa who are trapped in your moha pasa?”. The Devi who deeply ecstatic in her bliss replies, “I reside in all the Jiwa as Brahmandodari and there is no Jiwa that is complete without me.”

Lord Shiva then asks her, “O Devi! What about the speed of the universe inside your womb?”. Devi replies that it is also like sarvakala. Some parts of the universe inside her are bounded to niyama, some to viniyama, some to drona, and some to utsh.

Lord Shiva then addresses Shakti and says that the Devi has now realized her true form and because of it, he shall establish her inside his trinetra. Lord Shiva then performs the dhyana mudra, he closes his eyes and from his agya chakra or third eye, a lotus stem emerges and grows. The lotus flower then blooms and on top of it, Devi then sits upon it. After some moment, the petals of the lotus flower closes and in the process enclosing Devi inside it. The lotus then slowly goes back inside the trinetra of lord Shiva and in the process, Devi becomes established in his agya chakra.

As per “Kaula Siddha” dharma, since she is inside the trinetra of lord Shiva and consequently she also establishes herself in all Jiwa of the world, therefore, every Jiwa has the potential of Shivtatwa inside them and inside every Jiwa, Brahmandodari remains hidden. The knower of this wisdom becomes the master of “Brahmandodari” tantra. This very tantra is considered to be the ultimate tantra of the Shakta kula.

Brahmandodari Tantra and Human body

As per “Siddha Dharma”, women are believed to be the manifestation of Shakti or Yogmaya herself while men are believed to be the manifestation of Shiva. Therefore, men and women are mini Shiva and Shakti respectively. To understand the nature of Shiva and Shakti, a person can understand them through the body of men and women.

The “Brahmandodari Tantra” of Kaula Dharma mentions that she is the goddess whose womb is the infinite universe. Even she is explained by Kaula Siddha dharma through the use of women’s bodies. She is explained especially through the use of the womb and her vahana is considered to be the comets. She, the infinite Shakti travels within her self in the form of comets. To understand this, it can be understood by the analogy of the human body.

As per “Kaula Siddha” dharma, inside the human body, if a person has to scan their particular organ internally, the body does it through the nervous system and human blood. Comets are her blood that travels freely while the constellations are her nervous system. The comets travel from one point of the universe to the other. Therefore, she travels inside her self from one point to another through comets or blood.

Purpose of Brahmandodari Deeksha and Sadhana

As per “Siddha Dharma”, Brahmandodari is the goddess who bestows the wisdom and knowledge of the infinite universe to humans. Since the universe is her womb, the universe is a self-sustaining entity under her tutelage. The wisdom of womb of women can reveal the reproduction process of this universe and also the working mechanism of creation and destruction therefore, her wisdom also bestows the sadhaka the wisdom of the creative and dissolution aspect of the universe.

Secondly, this universe is infinite. To travel from one point to another or let’s say from the perspective of human anatomy, and information to be passed from one organ to another or let’s say from lungs to brain needs a medium and that medium is blood and nervous system. The comets play the role of modem (modulator and demodulator). The Kaula Siddha tantra believes that the comet which constantly travels from one point of the universe to another or from one solar system to another, the comet carries with it the vital information of that solar system. Therefore, if a sadhaka can tap that energy of the comet, they can then download the information of many points of universe and in return, they can also use the comet to transmit their information to other points of the universe. Therefore, Brahmandodari tantra is especially beneficial for gaining wisdom and mastery over Astrophysics or the knowledge of the universe.

Brahmandodari Devi and Neowise Comet

As per “Kaula Siddha” dharma, there are times when sadhanas are specific to any particular circumstances and happening like in particular constellations (nakshatra), like Jyestha for Dhumavati, planetary positions like a solar and lunar eclipse, etc. These are the times when sadhanas have to be performed or in this period, the sadhanas that you undertake becomes fruitful. The appearance of a comet in the earth’s atmosphere also marks an auspicious occasion for some important sadhanas.

The Siddhas have long records of comets through the guru-disciple lineage tradition and has been preserved from time immemorial. When any comets are spotted, the first thing a Siddha does is to consult “Siddha Mandala”. The “Siddha Mandala” has a chart that can accurately predict the nature and the name of the comet through the analysis of their chart.

The Siddha mandala has a chart that can accurately mention the dhumraketu and its type. The prediction is based on Siddha’s Tankari calendar that is exclusively written in Tankari script which is purely based on Kaal Gyana. When the comet is first visible on this earth, the analysis is done based on planetary position at the time of the sighting, the nature of the tail of a comet, nearby constellation, etc. The Siddhas then through the use of “Siddha calendar” decodes which sadhana is appropriate with the respective comet.

As per “Siddha Dharma”, the Neowise comet that is visible in the earth resulted in the “Brahmandodari Deeksha”. The Neowise comet will be next visible after six thousand eight hundred years from now or it takes 6800 years to complete its orbit. Therefore, the next Brahmandodari Deeksha is once in a lifetime Deeksha as it won’t be possible for the Siddhas to impart this Deeksha to anyone for the next 6800 years.

Lastly, not all comets result in the same Deeksha i.e. Brahmandodari Deeksha. If on Christmas eve of the 1990s when Haley’s comet was spotted, if the comet had been analyzed, the comet would have resulted in a different Deeksha.


As per “Siddha Dharma”, her yantra is called Brahmanda Garbha Prachhanna Yantra. The philosophy behind her yantra is that the universe is infinite for humans but her, it is inside her womb and the universe lays scattered. Her yantra is all about uniting all those scattered parts of the universe into one single yantra and that is “Brahmanda Garbha Prachhanna Yantra”.

As per “Siddha Dharma”, when the yantra is perfected then the sadhaka gets the perfection of transporting their thoughts from their end to the infinite points in this very universe through their thoughts and the power of panchakosh bala (power). When consciously the sadhaka transports the four tattwa, vichara (thoughts), dhwani (sound), mana (mind) and gati (momentum) then Brahmandodari is perfected


As per “Kaula Siddha Dharma”, every sadhana has an importance of its own. The Brahmandodari sadhana is primarily done for the knowledge of the universe. Secondarily the sadhana is performed for the following reasons,

–              salvation (Mukti prapti)

–              To know the diverse facets of the infinite universe and to become an ultimate Siddha.

–              Freeing oneself from the infinite cycle of rebirth.

–              To exist in this sovereign universe with utmost strength and confidence

–              The perfection of various secretive elements of the universe.

–              Various secretive knowledge of the functioning of Maya.

–              Strengthen the inner universe, nervous and brain system.

–              redesigning and re-engineering of one’s brain, thought process, perceptions, philosophies, etc.


As per “Siddha Dharma”, dhumraketu or comet is considered to be the vahana of Brahmandodari Devi. When any comet enters into the proximity of any solar system that holistically includes nine planets, the constellations, various meteors and meteoroids, open space, fire, sounds and when it then moves away, it is considered to be the symbolic action of Brahmandodari Devi in action because as mentioned earlier, dhumraketu is her vahana.

Therefore, whenever any dhumraketu is spotted, through the analysis of its speed, its form, its position, the respective sadhana with it is determined. The Brahmandodari Sadhana was found to be the perfect result for Neowise comet spotting.

SADHANA KALA and “Six Days Deeksha” Period

As per “Kaula Siddha Dharma”, when the vahana of Brahmandodari Devi, dhumraketu’s effulgence is spotted in our atmosphere then it is called “tej sparsh”. In this period of “tej sparsh”, the sadhana, Vidhya, karmkand, mantra, Deeksha are taken from the guru mandala through the secretive Guhya Kaulachara.

The Deeksha span is of six days compared to other Deeksha because the rituals like karmkand, tarpana, hawan can only be done in the specific time of the night. The rituals cannot be performed in the day time because the sunlight dominates the atmosphere and the comet isn’t visible and loses its impact. At night time, the comet becomes more vibrant and in those vibrant times, the rituals are performed. On 23rd July 2020, the dhumraketu or Neowise comet will be the nearest to the earth’s proximity so the Deeksha course is conducted on the given dates.

Lineage and Traditions of Brahmandodari Devi

As per “Kaula Siddha” dharma, the wisdom of Brahmandodari was first imparted by Lord Shiva to Ma Parvati, and from her, it reached Kaulantak Peeth. Later, the sadhana also reached Kaulantak Peeth through three mediums

–          Mahasiddha KAALKRUR Nath (disciple of Shukracharya, Tamas path)

–          Mahasiddha ATMANABHA Nath (disciple of  Brihaspati, Rajas path)

–          Mahasiddha GANACHAKRA Nath (disciple of  Vishwamitra, Satwa path)

The modern-day revival of Brahmandodari Devi Sadhana and Deeksha can be attributed to Mahasiddha Matsyendra Nath Ji.
