Devi Devta

Pratyangira Devi

Pratyangira is a ferocious goddess who is believed to have the head of a Lion and the body of a woman. She is the goddess of protection and counter attack. She is such a vajra shield that nothing can ever pierce her veil of protection. From time immemorial, she has always been used and invoked… read more »

Vajra Yogini

Vajra Yogini (Sanskrit: Vajrayoginī, Devanagari:वज्र योगिनी)is the tantric goddess of the Siddhas. The original but often hidden name of Vajra Yogini is Vajrika. In her Mandala and Loka, she is without her male counterpart but her male consort is Maha Vajra who is invisible in her Mandala. Although by nature she resembles a Dakini, but because of… read more »

Mandavya Sara – Dakini Mandarva

Mandarva (Sanskrit Mandāravā, मण्डारवा) (also known as Mandavya Sara/माण्डव्य सारा or Mrittika or Sweta Mrittika or Kuan Rani or kauna Rani) was Siddha Yogini and Dakini who learnt under Siddha Akulish Nath – the head of Vaam and Aghora tradition of Siddha Dharma of Kulluta Mandala (Kaulantak Peeth). She went on to become the chief consort of Padmasambhava, an Ex-Siddha… read more »


हनुमान सिद्ध धर्म के सबसे ज्वलंत व्यक्तित्वों में से एक माने जाते हैं। वज्र योग व योग के अन्य रूपों में पारंगत होने के कारण इन्हें ऐसा देवता माना जाता है जो स्वयं एक महायोगी हैं। यह एक महान तांत्रिक देवता भी हैं क्योंकि यह एकादश रुद्रों में से एक माने जाते हैं। यह स्वयं… read more »


‘कुरुकुल्ला’ यह शब्द ‘कुरु’ और ‘कुल्ला’ इन दो शब्दों से बना है। ‘कुरु’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘निर्माण और विनाश करने वाली’ ऐसा है। तथा ‘कुल्ला’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘ज्ञान परंपरा’ ऐसा होता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि, माँ कुरुकुल्ला समस्त डाकिनियों की भी ईश्वरी है। क्योंकि, डाकिनियों के नियम पालन ना करने के स्वभाव… read more »


Kurukulla (Sanskrit कुरुकुल्ला, Kuru Kul La) is amalgamation of Kuru (कुरु) which means one who does or is the doer or creates and destroys & Kulla (कुल्ला) meaning traditions or knowledge system.  Kurukulla means one who creates and destroys the Kulas or tradition or knowledge systems. It is also said that Kurukulla is the goddess… read more »

Vipasha – Vyasa River

Vyasa (Sanskrit: व्यास,) or Vipasha (Sanskrit: विपाशा, literally “Unbound”) is a holy river which originates in the Himalayas of central Himachal Pradesh, India and flows roughly 470 km and merges in Sutlej river when in the state of Punjab, India. It is also commonly referred as Beas, Vyasa River. Etymology Etymologically, in ‘Vipasha” (विपाशा), the… read more »


सिद्ध धर्म के अनुसार बृहस्पति जी को ‘महासिद्ध बृहस्पति नाथ’ कहा जाता है। बृहस्पति जी सारे देवताओं के गुरु थे । ऐसा माना जाता है कि, वो इतने अधिक बलशाली थे कि, उन्होंने इंद्र को भी कई बार युद्ध मे पराजित किया था। बहुत कम ज्ञात बात यह भी है कि, वो एक “योद्धा गुरु”… read more »


Brihaspati, as per ‘Siddha Dharma’ is believed to be a Mahasiddha Brihaspati Nath, who was the Guru of all gods. He was believed to be so powerful that he defeated Indra many times in war. Lesser known fact is that Brihaspati was also a warrior Guru who along with devtas had defeated many daityas and… read more »

Hanuman – हनुमान

Hanuman, is believed to be one of the most vibrant personality in Siddha Dharma. He is believed to be a deity who is a Mahayogi himself as he had mastered various forms of yoga like ‘Vajra Yoga’ and other forms of yoga. He is also a great tantric deity because he is also considered to… read more »
