
Dhumra Kritya Abhichara

Dhumra Kritya Abhichara is a firsthand account of witnessing the wisdom in āgama tradition of Kaulantak Siddha Dharma; where Kaulantak Nath Maha Siddha Ishaputra is giving knowledge and teachings to his consort Mā Padma Priya. This book is an introduction to the tantric understanding of epidemics and diseases. It gives an insightful and unique experimental… read more »

Kāla Manḍala

Kāla means time, and Manḍala means group. Time as we experience, its a divine consciousness. Siddha Dharma reveals a devata who controls and manages time. This devata is an invisible devata. He is formless. There is another divinity of time known as lord of death, Yamaraja who is also a manifestation of Shiva but he… read more »

Vajra Varahi

Vajra Vārāhī (Sanskrit: Vajra Vārāhī, Devanagari:वज्र वाराही)is the tantric goddess of the Siddhas. . She is one of the most important deities of Vajrayana which was ealier called Vajra Ayana. As per Siddha Dharma, Vajra Vārāhī is the goddess of the of the Vajra Yoginī pantheon. While she is traditionally seen as one manifestation or… read more »

Aishwarya Lakshmi

Aishwarya Lakshmi is one of the forms of Mahalakshmi. She is the epitome of the form of goddess Lakshmi who bestows aishwarya (opulence) in all forms, shapes and sizes. Her luxuries and abundance are not only limited to material luxuries and abundance but the inner bliss too. As per Lakshmi tantra, “bliss” is the ultimate… read more »


Hevajra is one of the most prominent deities of Kapalika, Left hand tantra (vama marga), Aghora and Vajrayana tradition. He is a deity who is believed to tie the entire above mentioned sect into one garland of Rudra Tantra. Hevajra is considered to be one of the forms of Rudra as the word ‘Hevajra’ is… read more »

Pratyangira Devi

Pratyangira is a ferocious goddess who is believed to have the head of a Lion and the body of a woman. She is the goddess of protection and counter attack. She is such a vajra shield that nothing can ever pierce her veil of protection. From time immemorial, she has always been used and invoked… read more »

Vajra Yogini

Vajra Yogini (Sanskrit: Vajrayoginī, Devanagari:वज्र योगिनी)is the tantric goddess of the Siddhas. The original but often hidden name of Vajra Yogini is Vajrika. In her Mandala and Loka, she is without her male counterpart but her male consort is Maha Vajra who is invisible in her Mandala. Although by nature she resembles a Dakini, but because of… read more »

Mandavya Sara – Dakini Mandarva

Mandarva (Sanskrit Mandāravā, मण्डारवा) (also known as Mandavya Sara/माण्डव्य सारा or Mrittika or Sweta Mrittika or Kuan Rani or kauna Rani) was Siddha Yogini and Dakini who learnt under Siddha Akulish Nath – the head of Vaam and Aghora tradition of Siddha Dharma of Kulluta Mandala (Kaulantak Peeth). She went on to become the chief consort of Padmasambhava, an Ex-Siddha… read more »


Kurukulla (Sanskrit कुरुकुल्ला, Kuru Kul La) is amalgamation of Kuru (कुरु) which means one who does or is the doer or creates and destroys & Kulla (कुल्ला) meaning traditions or knowledge system.  Kurukulla means one who creates and destroys the Kulas or tradition or knowledge systems. It is also said that Kurukulla is the goddess… read more »


सिद्ध धर्म के अनुसार बृहस्पति जी को ‘महासिद्ध बृहस्पति नाथ’ कहा जाता है। बृहस्पति जी सारे देवताओं के गुरु थे । ऐसा माना जाता है कि, वो इतने अधिक बलशाली थे कि, उन्होंने इंद्र को भी कई बार युद्ध मे पराजित किया था। बहुत कम ज्ञात बात यह भी है कि, वो एक “योद्धा गुरु”… read more »
