Devi Devta

Siddhi Lakshmi

Siddhi Laxmi is the holistic and full manifestation of Ma Yogmaya. She is the epitome of prosperity, wealth, abundance. She encompasses all forms of Laxmi because the Lakshmi that is known in the public domain is Mahalakshmi and her different forms. Mahalakshmi is rajasic in nature while Siddhi Lakshmi encompasses all three modes of nature… read more »

Bhagawati Brahmandodari Sadhana

As per “Siddha Dharma”, Bhagawati Brahmandodari is an infinite goddess under whom all the creation is encompassed and everything resides in her. For her, the universe in her womb. The universe is a womb in a sense that multiple creations happen inside and multiple destructions happen simultaneously under her watch. She is the cause of… read more »

Guhya Chandali

Guhya Chandali is the goddess who is secretive and is the epitome of “Chanda Vriti”. This Chanda Vriti is the tendency to forcefully alter the natural course of things. It is that destructive force of the universe that goes against everything and all phenomenon. Chandali is the force through which one overcomes the inertia and… read more »

Guhyeshwari Devi

Guhyeshwari Devi is the epitome of all Guhya wisdom of tantra. As per “Siddha Dhamra”, She is the first as well as the foremost goddess who in her womb keeps all the secretive knowledge hidden and portrays something else to the perceiver. She is like an orange fruit which keeps the seed hidden inside her… read more »

Dhumra Kritya Abhichara

Dhumra Kritya Abhichara is a firsthand account of witnessing the wisdom in āgama tradition of Kaulantak Siddha Dharma; where Kaulantak Nath Maha Siddha Ishaputra is giving knowledge and teachings to his consort Mā Padma Priya. This book is an introduction to the tantric understanding of epidemics and diseases. It gives an insightful and unique experimental… read more »

Kāla Manḍala

Kāla means time, and Manḍala means group. Time as we experience, its a divine consciousness. Siddha Dharma reveals a devata who controls and manages time. This devata is an invisible devata. He is formless. There is another divinity of time known as lord of death, Yamaraja who is also a manifestation of Shiva but he… read more »


Ardha Narishwara is the tantric concept and portrayal of ultimate formless God Param Shiva into two equal halves, the Shiva and the Shakti. Shiva is considered to be the masculine side while Shakti is considered to be the feminine side. Shiva is the epitome of all men while Shakti is of women. As per “Siddha… read more »


Narsimha as per “Siddha Dharma” is considered to be the wrathful avatara among the ten avataras of lord Vishnu. He descended from Vaikuntha loka to the earth for manifold purposes. He primarily took the Narsimha avatara for slaying the daity Hiranyakashyapu and in doing so, he would protect his devotee Prahlada and also for re-establishment of… read more »

Aishwarya Lakshmi

Aishwarya Lakshmi is one of the forms of Mahalakshmi. She is the epitome of the form of goddess Lakshmi who bestows aishwarya (opulence) in all forms, shapes and sizes. Her luxuries and abundance are not only limited to material luxuries and abundance but the inner bliss too. As per Lakshmi tantra, “bliss” is the ultimate… read more »


Hevajra is one of the most prominent deities of Kapalika, Left hand tantra (vama marga), Aghora and Vajrayana tradition. He is a deity who is believed to tie the entire above mentioned sect into one garland of Rudra Tantra. Hevajra is considered to be one of the forms of Rudra as the word ‘Hevajra’ is… read more »
